The health safety of the materials used is a priority in contact with drinking water.

The basic certificate for water savers is the verification of the health safety of the product intended for direct contact with drinking water in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Health 409/2005 Coll. on hygiene requirements for products coming into direct contact with water and for water treatment. The measurements were prepared by the Health Institute based in Brno.


The health safety of the materials used is a priority in contact with drinking water.

The basic certificate for water savers is the verification of the health safety of the product intended for direct contact with drinking water in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Health 409/2005 Coll. on hygiene requirements for products coming into direct contact with water and for water treatment. The measurements were prepared by the Health Institute based in Brno.

Provided confirmation of water flows according to the savers.

The second important certificate is the protocol of the Engineering Testing Institute, s. p. They checked the water flows of our products at various inlet pressures and settings of savers. The test confirmed that the flows we report, the settings, and thus the savings achieved correspond to reality.


The company QZP, s.r.o. performed detailed monitoring of the reduction of cold and hot water consumption by using WATERSAVERS®. on residential buildings. The company QZP deals with savings of the production and provision of hot water, diagnostics, design, and implementation of water treatment. The results of the measurements are clear:


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